Find a Fresh Read at East City Bookshop

In all her travels, Laurie Gillman always follows the same protocol when she lands somewhere new: find the nearest independent bookstore and explore. So when her own local, indie bookstore closed up shop in 2009, she couldn’t help but feel like her own community was somehow less complete. This feeling only grew until she couldn’t ignore it any longer, and, in 2016, she opened her own East City Bookshop.
It’s only been a couple of years since the shop’s grand debut, but it has already filled the void left by that previous bookstore. Many call East City Bookshop a “hidden gem,” a haven for anyone who loves literature and meeting others who do, too. It hosts regular events and stocks the newest reads. If you aren’t sure exactly what you’re looking for, start with the “staff picks.” Customers say they can always count on the staff to choose books that become their own favorites.