Explore the History of Flight at the National Air and Space Museum

The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC has been entrusted with some of the most important historical artifacts from the nation’s aviation history. The collection includes the 1903 Wright Flyer—the famed aircraft that the Wright brothers got off the ground more than a century ago. It also encompasses the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia, which successfully conveyed Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong to the moon.
See these aircraft and many others, along with photos and related aviation artifacts, at this Smithsonian museum. The museum plays host to a roster of constantly changing flight-related exhibits, such as Moving Beyond Earth. The current exhibit explores the history of humans in space and looks forward to what may lie ahead. The Wright Brothers & The Invention of the Aerial Age looks back at that first fateful flight and how it paved the way for modern air travel. These are just a handful of the educational, engaging exhibits you can expect at the National Air and Space Museum.