M Street Yoga: A Studio That Gives Back to the Community

The tagline for M Street Yoga is, “A close knit community studio with a big heart.” Once you get to know what this studio is all about, you’ll see it’s true. Through #MSYGivesBack, it collects donations and hosts special events for nonprofits like local animal rescue groups. It also makes yoga available to all through its volunteer “karma yogi” program, where yogis do tasks like sweeping classrooms and checking people in and receive a free class in exchange.
M Street opened in 2014 as the first yoga studio in Southwest DC. It offers classes for all skill levels as well as classes aimed at particular outcomes, like prenatal yoga and a Restore and Reboot class to address fatigue and stress. Yin Yoga is another practice aimed at calming the mind and body. In this class, yogis hold postures for three to five minutes, which helps to heal the body’s deepest connective tissues and increase circulation. New students can take advantage of the ongoing offer of $30 for 30 days of unlimited classes so you can find the ones that are best for you.