Explore the Outdoors at Rock Creek Park Nature Center

Created by an act of Congress in 1890 and administered by the National Park Service, Rock Creek Park in Northwest DC is one of the nation’s great urban parks. Along the park’s western edge you’ll find the Nature Center, which not only serves as a visitor center, but also does educational outreach and programming free of charge. In addition to hiking information, brochures and maps, you can find exhibits on local plants and animals like “Discover Rock Creek,” while a bilingual exhibit (in both English and Spanish) looks to educate the city’s residents about nature and conservation efforts happening in the District today.
While you’re here, you can visit a working beehive, a wild bird observation deck, and a “water-wise” garden. all of which will teach you new things about the world around you. The NPS also operates a planetarium on-site, which features rotating programs on meteorology and astronomy. Many of the park’s ranger-led hikes and field visits start here as well. Check the online calendar for this month’s exhibits and events.