How to Celebrate July Fourth Near The Residences at Eastern Market

There’s no better place to celebrate the 4th of July than the nation’s capital, and the highlight of the day is always a spectacular fireworks display on the National Mall. This year the show is scheduled to begin at dusk (around 9:10 pm). If you want to be part of the celebration, however, you’ll need to be sure you arrive much earlier than that to stake out your spot and get situated. Plenty of people show up before noon, in order to cheer on all the marching bands, floats, and equestrian teams in the Independence Day parade. Festivities continue throughout the day, with food vendors, games, and more.
Starting around 8 pm, a series of all-star musical performances will begin (think Carole King, Vanessa William, the Sesame Street Muppets, and the National Symphony Orchestra). That’s your cue to get yourself into prime viewing position for the fireworks display. Check the website for a full schedule of the day’s events.