SOME’s 20th Annual Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger 5K: A Tradition Returns Near Your Luxury Apartment in DC

This Thanksgiving, move your feet before you eat by participating in SOME’s 20th Annual Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger 5K! Taking place the morning of Thanksgiving, at Freedom Plaza, this beloved annual race is the largest DC-based turkey trot. Funds raised at the Trot for Hunger 5K help benefit thousands of DC residents, including the elderly and families in need, providing food, housing, healthcare, employment training, and addiction treatment programs.
The USATF-certified 5K course offers both timed and untimed race options, as well as a Little Turkey 1 mile run. The Little Turkey 1 mile run, for participants 10 and under, will begin at 8:30 a.m., and the 5K will kick off from Freedom Plaza at 9 a.m. The 5K route runs along Pennsylvania Avenue. Virtual Trot options are available as well, with the ability to fundraise, form a team, and share SOME’s mission. You can learn more and register at the event’s website.