Bozzuto Lifestyle- Spring Break

How to Have Fun During Spring Break with the Entire Family
One of the best times of the school year is fast approaching- spring break. The best thing to do is discover some ideas that will be fun for the entire family to do together.
The obvious idea is to travel! From a beach getaway to our nation’s capital, or even escaping to a snowy mountain-top. Whatever your family likes to do while on vacation depends on where your ideal travel destination will be.
However, if you are more keen on staying at your own humble abode, fear not! There is still plenty of fun to be had without the travel.
Create an at-home spa retreat. Get everyone in on the fun with face masks, nail painting, and skincare routines.
Plan family games. For the duration of spring break, have an ultimate competition consisting of board and card games to find out which member of the family will come out on top.
Do arts and crafts. Having an entire day dedicated to creation will be incredibly fun and will result in cherished memories and mementos.
No matter how spring break gets celebrated, what matters the most is everyone getting a relaxing and fun break from their typical routines.